Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm going through a rough time

I've been trying to stay off the computer and away from pornography for the last week. It's amazing how easily I convince myself to get back on.

I feel slightly depressed. I know that the computer is an escape from reality for me and I'm drawn to it when I feel bad.

I'm working towards improving my mood and getting the hell off this computer. Even writing in this blog is an excuse to use this thing.

With that said... Goodnight.


  1. Hi. I'm right there with you. I don't know your name, but I'm praying for you. Please pray for me. I've been battling porn addiction of one degree or another for nearly 35 years. You've inspired me to start my own blog of my progress. Hang in there, brother.

  2. if you think the computer is your problem, reformat and give the computer to someone else as a gift. only use it in the day time if you really have to when others are around. use your phone for email and other things that you might need the internet for. when you are going out, try not to check out women as much, if you do, bounce your eyes, don't take that second look. train yourself, discipline yourself to not need sexual release. your body can release naturally and if you continue to look at things and have sexual thoughts in your mind, it will just make it harder. I've done this before, trained myself, i was doing pretty good too. there's a book called "every man's battle" or "every young man's battle" depending on how old you are.
