Thursday, August 04, 2011

Where I'm at right now...

I'm getting married. We don't have a date yet but it'll be sometime next year.

My fiance and I have plans to move the East Coast and start a business. We're saving money up right now.

Pornography is still a part of my life regrettably. I've been feeling depressed this last month and I think that's why I have been using porn.

Things are slowly getting better and I'm being patient with myself.

It's damned hard to live a healthy, balanced life.


  1. yeah it is, so just live

  2. how is that working out for ya? ;-)

  3. That's too bad:( It seems that you are still addicted....I don't think that a god helps...maybe you need some helped my partner and he hasn't been involved with porn for 6.5 years now.
    Just remember that it IS cheating on your wife! And you can have much better sex without it in your life as a negative force.
    Our society is so pornified!
    Try again...don't try actually, just "do"...
