First we need some questions.
1. Who has will power?
2. What is will power?
3. Where does will power come from?
4. Why is will power important?
5. How does will power work?
1. Who has will power?
Think about this question. Who in your life has shown great will power? When I think of great demonstrations of will, the common factor is famous people. This makes a lot of sense; people are often famous because they demonstrate something that most people lack the will to do. Fame often comes to people who have shown great will power. This brings us to our next question.
2. What is will power?
Most of us have a fuzzy idea of the meaning behind will power but what does it really mean? The word "will" can mean choice. To have the will to face a challenge means making the choice to face a challenge. Power means ability. If I have the power to do something, it means I have the ability to do something. Will power becomes a combination of choice and ability. A person with will power becomes someone makes choices and has ability. Interestingly, a person with one of these traits and not the other accomplishes nothing. Someone may make choices but without the ability to back up those choices, nothing happens. This is the case with lots of people suffering addiction. They may make a choice to quit something but then can't back up that choice. A person with ability but who does not make choices also accomplishes nothing. A person may have the natural, genetic gift of being athletic but without making the choice to train, they're ability will amount to nothing.
3. Where does will power come from?
So why do some people have will power and some people don't? Is it genetic? Perhaps there is some link but fortunately no one is destine to live forever without will power. I know this because there are many stories of people who have gone from living lives devoid of means and meaning to great power and influence. So how did they do it? Did they get lucky? Maybe some did but some of them made a choice. Some of them made a choice to start making things happen. There's two ingredients to will power: choice and ability; but it all starts with a choice. You have to begin your quest for will power by making the choice to pursue it. Nobody wakes up with a gift of great ability thrown into their lap.'
4. Why is will power important?
So now we know that it isn't easy to acquire will power so is it worth it? The truth is, nothing happens without will power. Everything that you do is because you have enough will power to accomplish it. You wake up in the morning because you can and you choose to. Really, your ability to do anything is dependent on how much will power you have. So whether you clean toilets for a living or retire to your dream home well before 65 is a matter of increasing your will power. This is important to you and you may not even know it.
5. How does will power work?
Strangely enough, will power is a matter of believing. It sounds silly but everything starts in your mind. Your will power is a matter of having certain beliefs about yourself. If you were to convince yourself that you can make whatever choices you desire and that you can back up any choice you make, you would have tremendous will power. You might be thinking that just because you believe in yourself doesn't mean your going to wake up tomorrow with a million dollars and you're right. Will power isn't about doing the impossible. Will power is about believing in yourself and then accomplishing amazing feats as a result of your strong mindset. A person with great will power will work harder and longer than someone with a weaker mind and over time the difference becomes startling. It's a race and will power is the energy and speed to go distances that most people can't handle.
So how do you increase your will power and change your beliefs about yourself? Read this:
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